• Author MikeTheRaptor
  • File Size 533.47 MB
  • Category Levels
  • Release Date December 25, 2020
  • Last Updated July 26, 2024
  • Downloads 4978

Trespasser 2020: A Trespasser Modding Starter Kit

In an effort to make playing Trespasser fan levels and mods more accessible, I've created a simple starter kit that includes everything necessary to begin playing Trespasser fan levels immediately with no setup or configuration required.
Trespasser 2020 includes:
  • Standalone version of Tres CE
  • Standalone version of Tres ATX
  • New, Trespasser-inspired modern menu designs
The following levels:
  • Lost Jungle 2 by Draconisaurus
  • Trespasser: Legacy by Nem
  • Labyrinth by Glitchhunter09
  • Fall Lodge by Draconisaurus
  • Lost Jungle Remastered by Jurassic_Seven (original by Draconisaurus and Mickey)
  • Trespasser's 20th Anniversary Community Level by Draconisaurus, Shep, TheIdiot, and TrespasserGuy
  • (ATX) Cursed Arena by Draconisaurus