• Author DreamWorks Interactive
  • File Size 363.62 MB
  • Category Game Builds
  • Release Date December 14, 2020
  • Last Updated January 7, 2021
  • Downloads 788

Trespasser Build 55

Trespasser build 55. This build have some interesting early content, including a really early version of BE and SUM.

Levels included:

  • Beach (Overall empty but has an early, unfinished and open terrain).
  • Jungle Road (Some differences from Build 32's JR but this one has all the foliage!).
  • Industrial Jungle (Identical to Build 32 but .scn file is empty, so loading level might not be possible).
  • Pine Valley (Some differences from earlier versions).
  • InGen Lab (Fully playable Lab level, possibly the version seen in many Lab screenshots).
  • The Summit (Early version with some interesting differences from later known version).