Trespasser – mae ai getz a hua?!

Ahh christmas. Time of the year… love, joy, presents… it’s all good. But, as you may have noticed, NO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ON TRESCOM! This is madness, I tell you, and I know it too. But don’t give your hopes up just yet.

Alot has happened throughout the last few weeks and months – some events were rather chaotic, but all in all we got alot to be cheerful for. Word has it, that we finally had a breakthrough on our own tools and also that the original Pine Valley level may have been leaked.

Though we at TresCom couldn’t get our hands on it yet, this should at least get our hopes up for some great new additions in the future.

Update your links!

We also laid our hands on the forum again. Turns out, that alot of our problems could be tracked back to some really funky domain/cookie chaos. So now we got it all running under a new domain – the old link may still function (they both share the same server), however I need to stress that under no circumstances should you use the old links anymore. A simple update to should fix all your problems, however 🙂

Tresgame is back from its grave!

Woah, I know I wrote about this website alot in the past. And though it was dead for a long while now, I am really glad that its back and better than ever. Our old forum pal Mickey took his time to carefully setup a new Tresgame forum and word has it, that there is already a heated debate about the recent events that rocked our tiny little Trespasser-world (*cough* check the above *cough*).

I personally wish Mickey all the best – its good to have a new trespasser site in the making. So go over to Tresgame and join their discussion.