Beats the summer: TresCom is going to make you sweat!

Behold! Unknownst to most fellow TresCom members, the team behind the great first TC~Isle and TC~Level has been silently working on a new treat!

Unfortunately, no one but the developers were allowed a first look. But this is going to change! Luckily, I found these tidbits on the web (tihi, whoever of the devs thought they could hide stuff from me is just dead wrong… uhm… about… ANYTHING!). Anyhow, lets take a look, shall we?

I was told, three more are scattered around here somewhere, so how about a little game? The first to publish these on the TresCom Forum shall receive a special rank of his choice for a day!

Better yet: After approaching the fellow developers, I was informed that these images may hint towards something big to come…

Now tell me: Who needs the sun anyway?!