Ho,ho,ho… I know that this may seem as a pretty lame intro to an awesome post, but what can I say: i am a sucker for the festive spirit. It has been yet another incredible year here at TresCom. We have seen new fan projects such as the incredible Trespassing, a CryEngine Total Conversion, an entire rebuild of the entire Trespasser source known as Trespasser CE (I know what you are thinking and yes – it does add new shiny effects to the old Trespasser Engine!), several incredible interviews with Austin Grossman and Scallenger and then there was JP:Aftermath, an incredible port to the Unity-Engine.


There were other Jurassic Park news, of course:  Jurassic World is happening and wowed us with an oddly inaccurate version of Andy from Parks and Recreation riding with a gang of velociraptors. I know, we were thinking the same thing, but hey – there will be dinosaurs, so we are still psyched! On a sad note, however, John Hammond (Sir Richard Attenborough) passed away in August this year. He was an incredible actor and director – and he will be truely missed by all of us.

To leave you on a happy note, it just so happens that JP:Aftermath released a christmas video to hit you over the head with the right christmas mood:

Merry christmas, everyone!