• Author Marty_Bones
  • File Size 115.39 MB
  • Category Miscellaneous
  • Release Date December 17, 2020
  • Last Updated January 17, 2022
  • Downloads 1522

Fan Sent CD-ROM From Developers

This is the contents of a CD that was sent from an unknown Trespasser developer to our forum user Marty_Bones back in possibly 1997.

The contents include:

  • One Trespasser art (Higher resolution that we previously had!)
  • A scan of the CGW (Computer Gaming World) cover of the March 1997 issue (Earliest known proper Trespasser preview.)
  • Two sound effects of Raptor Growl and Raptor Breath dated 1996
  • Movie trailers for Jurassic Park and Lost World: Jurassic Park